Wednesday, August 5, 2020

What a day!

This past Sunday at Parkway Chapel was a wonderful day. We spent the first hour - as we do every Sunday morning - gathered with like-minded believers, and gathered unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and to Him alone.

We spend our first hour observing the Lord's Supper - the "Remembrance Feast". This is the meeting where we bring something to give. We give our sacrifices of worship and praise to our Father, FOR His Son and our Savior. Not just for who He is, but also for what He has done for us. We don't come to this meeting to receive, but to give.

This past Sunday was especially moving as we remembered our Savior, and His Body that was broken for us, and His blood that was shed for us. He became sin for us, that through repentance and faith in Him, we might become His righteousness. It was so encouraging as the Holy Spirit moved among us this past Lord's Day. It is so different to assemble with others in person than doing so by Zoom or some other virtual tool.

In our second meeting, our brother Jeff Johnson from Reidsville preached to us from the Old Testament about 3 brothers - nephews of King David. What a wonderful and moving message it was from the Holy Spirit through our brother Jeff.

We look forward to this coming Lord's Day when Mark Beebe will be with us to share from the Word of God. And as always, it's a privilege, a blessing, and also a command from the Lord, to gather each week and remember His death, burial and resurrection, until He comes again!

Wes Patterson

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